Dynamic Keyword Insertions: The Do’s and Don’ts

Andrei Kashkin Written on March 23rd, 2023, Last updated on October 10th, 2023

Anyone who’s writing ad copy knows the challenge faced when attempting to fill the ad with all the possible keywords our customers might search; near me, for sale, for rent, cheap, best, high quality, etc. You may have tried different methods like SKAGs and dynamic search ads to meet customer search needs. But if you want better ad relevance, consider Dynamic Keyword Insertions (DKIs).

What are Dynamic Keyword Insertions? 

Google’s DKIs feature tailors your ad to the user’s search query by matching it to any keywords in the ad group, showing precisely what the user is searching for. If you own a clothing store and use the SKAG structure, you’ll have to build countless ad groups and headlines to match user searches. But DKIs, even for specific keywords like “Shoes For Sale,” can provide variance in ads based on available keywords in that ad group – such as “Running Shoes For Sale”, “Light-up Shoes For Sale”, or even “Trainers for Sale”. 

Using DKIs has multiple benefits; it can increase ad relevance, increase expected click-through rate, increase ad quality score and reach higher in Google’s bidding in return.

How to Set Up Dynamic Keyword Insertions

Let’s use the same example as above. You have an ad group for your shoe products, but it’s difficult to add every possible shoe type you may offer. In this case, you can use DKIs to show relevant headlines for the users. 

The code for DKIs is {{KeyWord:(default keyword)} – for instance, {KeyWord:Shoes For Sale}. This would work if searched: Running Shoes For Sale, Buy light-up shoes, but not “Where to buy comfortable running shoes” due to the 25 characters limit for the headline. 

Similarly, capitalisation can be controlled by changing the cases of the code. Some examples are shown below: 

  • keyword:shoes for sale
  • Keyword:Shoes for sale
  • KeyWord:Shoes For Sale

What your ad will look like when your ad group contains keywords: ‘dark chocolate’, ‘sugar-free chocolate’, ‘gourmet chocolate truffles’, and uses headline code:

 Buy {KeyWord: Chocolate}

When Dynamic Keyword Insertion Might Not Work for You

Though DKI allows flexibility, relevancy, and accuracy to the ad headlines most of the time, there are instances where it can have the opposite effects. 

One example will be the DKI headline matching with irrelevant search terms, specifically if you have any keyword that may not be relevant to your product or landing page. For example, if “heels” is a keyword in your ad group for a sneakers landing page, users searching for heels will be disappointed, click out of your page, and increase your cost without leads – even if you offer heels on another page. Properly adding keywords to the correct ad group and landing page is crucial for better ad relevance with DKIs.

Similarly, DKIs may display your ads with a misspelt/grammatically incorrect headline if the keywords aren’t adapted to the possible headlines. For instance, if one of your keywords is “shirt”, there’s a high possibility that the DKI headline may show “Shirt for Sale” rather than “Shirts for Sale” – leaving an unprofessional impression of your company. Ensuring correct keyword spelling and grammar with the ad headlines in mind is essential to prevent this issue.  

Finally, DKI headlines may risk trademark violations if used on competitor campaigns. Suppose you’re bidding on competitor keywords or keywords similar to the trademarked keywords. In that case, you must remember to add these to a separate ad group with non-dynamic headlines.


Understanding what tool can improve your account performance is critical to successful advertising. Specifically, DKI is a useful customisation tool to increase ad relevance, expected click-through rate, and ad quality score to reach greater ad rank – allowing your ads to show higher on the search results. 

It is a customisation tool that will benefit most of the accounts, and it is undoubtedly something you will want to look into. Bear in mind, though – DKI may not suit your campaigns if you test broad match or trademarked keywords. Keep an eye on misspelt or incorrect grammar keywords! 

Google also offers other customisation options that suit your needs – check out our other blogs to learn more! Get in touch with our friendly team if you’d like to learn how we can help you today.

Andrei Kashkin

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